Commands Your Dog Can Learn in Obedience Training

Commands Your Dog Can Learn in Obedience Training
March 15, 2024
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Digital Resource

Have you ever seen a dog in a movie and thought, “I wish my dog were that smart”? Well, the secret behind those movie-star dogs is not just natural talent, but a solid foundation in obedience training. Essential for responsible pet ownership, training can improve your dog’s social behavior and ensure their safety.

Learn six commands your dog can learn during obedience dog training in Tyler, Texas, and how each of them benefits both you and your furry friend.

6 Commands We Teach Your Dog During Training

1. Sit

The "Sit" command is one of the first ones taught in obedience training. It is particularly useful for calming your dog in excitable situations, such as greeting visitors without jumping or sitting quietly at a busy intersection.

Teaching your dog to sit also establishes your authority as the pack leader because it reinforces your role in giving commands and expecting compliance.

2. Stay

The "Stay" command is crucial for controlling your dog's movement and making sure they remain in a designated spot until you release them. Therefore, it can be helpful in potentially dangerous situations like when cooking in the kitchen or at an open door.

"Stay" teaches patience and impulse control, skills that are beneficial in many everyday situations. It's a command that reinforces the dog’s ability to self-manage and follow directed instructions despite distractions.

3. Come (Here)

"Come" or "Here" is a lifesaving command that every dog should master. This recall command is essential for bringing your dog back to you if they slip their leash or if you need them to return quickly for safety reasons. It builds a reliable response and is key in maintaining control in off-leash areas.

Relying on your dog's compliance with this command can greatly improve outdoor experiences by allowing them to explore safely under your control.

4. Heel

Teaching your pet to heel keeps them from pulling on the leash, helping prevent injury to the dog and the walker. It ensures that your dog walks alongside you, not in front or behind, which is especially important in crowded or dangerous environments where close control is necessary.

The “Heel” command is also valuable in reinforcing the owner’s position as the leader during walks.

5. Leave It

"Leave It" helps your dog learn to avoid unwanted behaviors, such as picking up dangerous or unclean objects from the ground.

This command prevents dogs from consuming harmful substances or objects, which is a common and dangerous issue. It also aids in teaching your dog self-restraint and prioritizing commands over their instincts or desires.

6. Kennel

Finally, the "Kennel" command helps manage your dog’s environment and is often used to promote safe confinement when supervision isn’t possible. Training your dog to enter and stay in a kennel voluntarily can ease stress in situations like vet visits or being home alone by offering a familiar and secure space.

Dog undergoing dog training in Tyler Texas

Interested in Obedience Dog Training in Tyler, Texas?

If you're looking to improve your dog's obedience and skills, get in touch with One Shot Retrievers. Our extensive training programs are customized for all breeds, helping your dog reach their maximum potential in obedience and specialized tasks. Contact us today to learn more!

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