
Commands Your Dog Can Learn in Obedience Training

Commands Your Dog Can Learn in Obedience Training

March 15, 2024
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Digital Resource

Learn six commands we teach during professional dog training in Tyler, Texas, and contact us for more information. Call today!

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Why E-Collars Are Misunderstood

Why E-Collars Are Misunderstood

August 7, 2023
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It never fails, a dog owner struggles to gain control over their dog and they have "tried everything", so they make a trip to Pet Smart to purchase an E-collar hoping that this will be the saving grace. Not knowing that these devices should actually come with very extensive instructions, they strap it on the dog and start pressing buttons. Out of confusion, the dog shuts down and stops making movements in any direction. Typically, they will find their "safe space", which is usually next to their owner, and cease all bad behavior. Unfortunately, this method of "direct collar pressure" will typically result in a very confused and afraid dog.

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Tip of the week!

Tip of the week!

June 15, 2023
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Proper E-Collar Fit: A very common misconception is that a high level “nick” or “burn” from the E-collar will cause sores on a dog’s neck. This cannot be further from the truth. The sores come from leaving the collar on for too long or just simply from having sensitive skin. Knowing your facts about E-collars is so important, they are 100% the most effective tool in dog training!!

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